Lancaster Police will be holding a Crime Prevention Drop in Session on Wednesday 30th August 6pm to 9pm in the Main Hall at The Centre @ Halton.
There will be a range of examples of home security products and demonstrations available.
This event will provide you with an opportunity to meet our Local Neighbourhood Policing Team and express any concerns you may have and get advice.
There will also be representatives from Halton with Aughton Parish Council, The Centre staff and Halton Neighbourhood Watch.
You will be able to sign up to Halton Neighbourhood Watch and Lancashire Talking and complete a survey about the event and give your thoughts on crime and policing in the area.
We are aware that there has been an increase in anti-social behaviour in the village with the start of the better weather and the school holidays. If you have any concerns, please do come along and discuss them with your Local Neighbourhood Policing Team, Parish Councillors and The Centre staff.
There will be complimentary refreshments available. Donations towards upgrading our CCTV system will be accepted on the evening.