Here are some activity group updates for our upcoming Autumn Term
Outdoor Circuits has a new link to book online
Held on Mondays, 6 – 7 pm (though not on Bank Holiday Monday). You can also contact Sheryl for more info: 07779 962415.
5 aside (Mon group) will be on the MUGA from Monday 7th September, from 8-9pm, weekly.
Lockdown Baby Cafe – Do you have a new-born? Have you missed going to baby groups? The next dates are Tuesdays from 10am to 11am, 1st, 22nd and 29th September, from 10am to 11am, Book online via
Knitter Natter returns from Tuesday 8th September from 2pm to 4.30pm every week, in the meeting room (term time only). For further information please contact Lyn Rose – on telephone 078134 76623
Tae Kwan Do’s session time will change to 6.15 – 7.15pm from 8th September
New – Kate’s Pilates on Wednesday evenings starting from Wednesday 9th September, from 6.15 – 7.15pm. Contact Kate on 07799 068191
Walking Netball will be held on the Muga from 7-8pm but if wet, in the Main Hall. Contact the Centre for info tel 01524 811316.
5 aside (Wed group)will be held on the Muga 8pm to 9pm, from 9th Sept
Memory Cafe returns on Friday 4th September, on the 1st & 3rd Fridays of the month from 11am to 12 noon in the meeting room. Book in advance with Rita, tel 07979 715 041.
Luncheon Club – is meeting on the 2nd and 4th Fridays as a coffee morning / social activity without speakers at present.
Sessions either 10 – 11am or 11.15am -12.15pm. Advance booking only with Maureen, on 01524 811316, first come first served. Drinks and cakes available to purchase in the Coffee Shop.