Help put the fun into fundraising! We want to raise much needed funds to refurbish our redundant toilets and changing rooms by creating a Changing Places toilet and changing facility.
The alterations will include a new family toilet block with an adult and children’s toilets & sinks, and a storeroom for village emergency equipment as the Centre is designated as an evacuation point. This work is expected to cost around £45,000 so it is important to make our fundraising events successful. What better way to raise money than by having lots of fun at the same time!
We put events on, not only to entertain and delight you, but also to raise money from ticket sales for Centre projects like this. That’s why we ask for volunteers to help at events, and to help at bars for parties and events instead of paid bar staff. This helps keep our costs down so that more money from the profits can be put to good use. You can contribute by being a volunteer if the event is not something you would attend.
To help out with fundraising events, or to get involved with new fundraising events, or to help out with sourcing grants etc.
Contact or telephone 01524 811316 and help us to raise funds and provide these new facilities:
- The Changing Places toilet will enable people with complex disabilities to use the Centre.
- The upgraded toilet block with child size toilet & sink will enable children at preschool, toddler group, kids club and other sessions to access them freely and independently.
- Local residents will be reassured that the Centre will be suitably equipped to accommodate them in an emergency.