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Information and Resources

Somne info and resources from Lancaster Integrated Care Community and Lancaster CVS

FAQs from Carers UK

The coronavirus outbreak is a difficult and uncertain time, particularly if you are responsible for the welfare of others. Carers UK has brought together the questions they have most frequently been asked by carers, to help address the main concerns and help put carers’ minds at rest, reassuring them that they’re not alone and guiding them to what support there is to help. Please share this resource:

Resources for autistic people and families

For some autistic people of all ages, the effects of the coronanvirus outbreak including cancellation of events and changes to work habits, could trigger intense stress and lead to a meltdown or a shut down. Therefore, the National Autistic Society has collected a series of useful resources that autistic people and their families can use during this time of changes. These can be found on the website, please share:

National Debt Line

Lines are busy but open.        0808 808 4000 – Mon-Fri – 9am-8pm          

Mortgage Advice

A Guide to Mortgage Payment Holidays during the effects of Corona Virus.