A reminder that The Centre @ Halton is a Food Bank referral partner for those who qualify, and here’s an update about CancerCare, also a Food Bank referral partner. We can both organise a food parcel delivery over the phone for anyone that needs help.
Message from Sarah Drake, the engagement and Development officer at CancerCare:
‘I wanted to just update you as quite a lot has changed with CancerCare’s services particularly in response to the Covid-19 situation.
In addition to our core services where we have always been providing counselling and holistic therapies to those affected by cancer or bereaved, we have extended our offer to include more support for more people.
- We have a dedicated helpline manned 9 am-5 pm Mon to Fri- 03330 150 628
- Essential medical supplies delivery service for people eligible for CancerCares services who are shielding
- Online and Remote Therapies including- Counselling, Nutritional Advice, Reiki, Hypnotherapy, Yoga, Mindfulness -Classes, and an online young person’s Peer support Group -REFRESH
- Free telephone counselling for ALL UHMBT NHS Staff
- Free telephone counselling for Care home staff and Domiciliary Carers
- Free telephone bereavement counselling for secondary pupils
- Free Bereavement support to ANYONE experiencing the loss of a loved one for any reason
Our Centres have all now re opened with some limited face to face appointments for client’s where remote therapy isn’t appropriate. I would love the opportunity to speak to you either by phone or Zoom or indeed meet with you when it’s appropriate to do so. If there is anything else, I can help you with please don’t hesitate to get in touch.’
Sarah Drake, Engagement & Development Officer
T: 01524 381820
M:07772 789891