During this cold and icy weather, you are invited to come and use The Centre as a place to keep warm, during opening hours.
There will always be a member of staff to offer a friendly face and welcoming smile. When the Coffee Shop is open you can purchase hot drinks and snacks or even stay for lunch.
In the Coffee Shop seating area we have a selection of board games, puzzles and books you are welcome to use. There is also the children’s play area for the little ones.
Head to our website to see details of all the groups and sessions available if you are looking for an activity to join where it’s warm. A number of these groups are free to attend, subsidised by Halton Community Association and grant funding.
Grant Funding Received
We are grateful to have received grant funding from Lancashire County Council which will go towards the cost of heating The Centre, providing more games and puzzles to suit all ages, and enable us to continue to offer our wide range of free to access groups and sessions. We are listed on the Lancashire County Council’s register of Warm Space and agree to abide by the Lancashire Warm Spaces Charter which is now displayed in the Coffee Shop.
To find out more about the Lancashire Warm Spaces Charter, please click here. You will also be able to search for other registered Warm Spaces throughout Lancashire.