Walking Netball is held on Wednesdays 7.00 – 8.00 pm in the Main Hall.
Cost per session: Adults £4, Students 13 years + £2. This class is suitable for women and men of all ages.
The sessions benefit you as much socially as they do fitness wise.
Although Walking Netball has been designed as a slower version of the game, it is netball, but at a walking pace. The game has been adapted so that anyone can play it regardless of age or fitness level and we certainly raise our heart rates during our sessions, often through laughter as well as the low impact cardio exercise that the activity provides.
Led by coach Janet Winstanley, each session comprises of a warm up, skills and practice drills, followed by a variation of a game and a cool down. We also regularly meet up for social activities. For more information contact Janet on 07817 272820
Watch this great video from Boris Productions which will definitely inspire you – https://youtu.be/QRFzizitqAs or check out our brain training exercise below:
In April 2024 Halton attended a Walking Netball festival in Preston. They joined members from Blackburn to form a team, coming second overall.